Lobbying a key issue in debate

Executive vice president candidates debated Thursday discussing the viewpoints about the position.

The debate moderator, Bobbie Mitchell, a former senate member, asked candidates four prewritten questions.

“I think the debate went very well,” Pierce, a senior finance major said. “All the candidates were able to talk about the important issues.”

Once elected by the student body the executive vice president will become the assembler of the Student Action Team, vice president for external affairs, and the student member of the Board of Trustees.

Samples said as a member of the Board of Trustees he would ensure Eastern students’ tuition dollars were spent in a correct manner.

“As the Student Trustee the biggest thing is to be informed about issues that the Board of Trustees are dealing with,” Anderson, a senior communication disorders and sciences major said.

Of the candidates, Anderson has been on Student Senate the longest.

“When I got to this campus I was shocked to hear a student that gets to sit (on the Board of Trustees) gets to vote,” Pierce said.

Zach Samples, a freshman history major, said he would take the time to visit Registered Student Organizations to get the best people involved with the Student Action Team.

The Student Action Team is a student government based committee that the executive vice president appoints to lobby on behalf of Eastern. Each candidate plans to reinstate the Student Action Committee with members from all of Eastern while also restoring student government’s reputation.

“I have a passion for working with the student government and seeing it become stronger and stronger over time,” Anderson said.

Online elections will take place Jan. 24-25 and executive vice president results will be announced during the next Student Senate meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday in the Arcola-Tuscola Room in the Martin King Jr. University Union.

Nike Ogunbodede can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected].