Student Gov. website still not functional

The student government has been going through some changes, but its website is still not functional.

“With the website, we ran into some obstacles that we haven’t had before,” Student Body President Michelle Murphy said in the Nov. 29 issue of the Daily Eastern News.

With a total of 10 broken links, the website is still under construction.

“The Webmaster is supposed to make sure the website is up-to-date and has the most current information available to the students,” Student Senate Speaker Jarrod Scherle said.

The former Webmaster, Kris Caldwell, was paid $300 for one semester, and worked a minimum of two weekly office hours. Caldwell was not ideal, he was the best person who applied at the time, Murphy said.

“He was only available for one semester,” Scherle said.

Once a new webmaster is hired they will have to be willing to work on the website right away, Scherle said.

However, the website has been out of date for more than two years.

“That’s a lot to cover in that short of a span,” said Ashley Copple, a sophomore business major.

Instead of only hiring one person the student government could hire multiple students and that would give them more experience, Copple said.

The idea for a Webmaster and graphic designer was brought up after Murphy introduced a senate bill to reallocate funds to hire fellow students to work on the website.

The new Webmaster needs to not necessarily work two office hours, but be able to work when needed, Murphy said.

Applications are currently available in the Student Activities Center.

“I hope the best person this time is younger so they can stick with it until at least next December,” Murphy said.

Nike Ogunbodede can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected]