Landlord questions will be answered

The External Relations committee of the student government will have a discussion titled “House Parties, Toga Parties, and Can My Landlord Do That?” at 5 p.m. in the 7th Street Underground today.

At this discussion, students living in an apartment or house will learn about what they can and cannot do as residents.

The discussion will also allow students to learn about contracts, party laws, risks and how to deal with a bad landlord.

“The discussion is meant to be informative,” said Tommy Nierman, the external relations chair.

Along with the External Relations committee, the university attorney, a police officer and Mayor John Inyart, will be at the discussion to answer questions.

This discussion has been prompted by the External Relations committee receiving complaints from students about not being taken care of by their landlords, problems with their houses and general communication issues.

Students will be able to find out whom they can talk to about getting the issues resolved.

Nierman, a junior business management major, will also be at the discussion to answer questions.

During last year’s discussion, 50 to 60 people went and Nierman said he hopes for a bigger turnout.

Nierman wants students to get a better understanding of the issues after attending the discussion.

An incentive for students in fraternities or sororities is that they can attend this for an educational.

“Basically, students are tired of getting screwed over for not knowing the laws, rules; we thought this might be a good way to inform them,” Nierman said.

Erin Riedl can be reached at 581-2812 or at

[email protected].