Lakeview petition to be voted on

The City Council will vote to grant a petition for Lakeview College of Nursing for a variance.

The lot for the college does not meet street parking requirements; 62 spots are required for the space and only 55 are available.

This request comes to the council to approve or vote down after discussion.

City Mayor John Inyart said the things they will look at is the option for students to possibly walk to class and if the neighborhood is already overcrowded with parking.

The council will also discuss granting a petition for a conditional use permit to Majorie Beavers, owners of the commercial property.

The building is located at 1927 18th St. and was previously used for a daycare.

The property will be developed to add a second residential unit to the existing building.

The proposed use will reduce traffic congestion in the area and will not be an issue for public safety.

The council must come to an agreement to authorize Don Hance for architectural services to the building at 513 7th St.

The hance Design Group has agreed to provide services to the building while presenting the costs of repairs.

The supplemental appropriation of Motor Fuel Tax funds is in need of an official change of how the report is presented to the state.

No change to the budget itself is an issue.

The annual agreement for Charleston to select Coles County Regional Planning and Development Commission to provide certain technical assistance services to the city will be discussed.

From Dec. 1, 2010 to Nov. 30, 2011, $7,000 is to be billed on a monthly basis for the services.

A second annual agreement for the Revolving Loan Fund will also discussed.

A resolution approving the Collective Bargaining Agreement with International Union of Operation Engineers, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union and Charleston Fraternal Order of Police Lodge.

The agreement includes a two percent raise over the next three years.

Inyart will also bring to the council the re-appointment of several individuals to the Charleston Tree Commission.

No parking along Orchard Drive, Oxford Court and Summerfield Lane is also on the agenda.

The council will meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. in city hall.

Allison Twaits can be reached at 581-7942 or [email protected].