Protect yourself: Health Education Resource Center to discuss safe sex

Catherine Spannagel said for people who think they know everything when it comes to sex, she will be the one to put them to the test.

“I would ask them to put a condom on one of our mannequins using the 18 steps,” said Spannagel, the sexual health education coordinator at the Health Education Resource Center.

HERC will host the “Six Pack Series, Part 5: Sex in the College” at 7 p.m. today in Lumpkin Auditorium.

Spannagel said the lecture would discuss the influence of alcohol on sex.

During the lecture, students will be able to anonymously give their responses to questions by using turning point, she said.

Spannagel added the presentation would give information on condom use.

“We will also talk about the 18 steps for correct and consistent condom use,” she said.

Spannagel said it is important for students to be informed about the affects of alcohol as it relates to having sex.

“Many people do not realize alcohol’s impact on sex and engage in sex while under the influence,” Spannagel said.

Christina Ozier, Greek Life health education coordinator, said some students might not have had the opportunity to learn everything when it comes to sex.

“Sex education is an area students should be aware of,” she said. “Catherine’s programs are very educational and students will have a good time.”

Ozier said when it comes to sex, planning for it is something that is not always taken into account.

“Having protection available such as condoms, dental dams, etc., is an important step when deciding to engage in sexual activity,” Spannagel said. “I believe that this issue can arise at any age not just for college students.”

Spannagel said students do not realize what can be offered to them when it comes to having safer sex.

“Many people do not know about some of the goodies offered in our safer sex packets, like dental dams and female condoms,” she said. “Many people also do not know that a person can get every (sexually transmitted infection) from oral sex.”

Ozier said students should try to gain knowledge when it comes to sex education.

“Knowledge about STIs and protective factors can help students make a more informed decision,” Spannagel said. “Health education is always evolving with new contraceptives on the market and new found information on STIs,”

Ozier said all students, despite what knowledge they already have, should come to the presentation.

“Coming to this presentation, students who think they know it all will learn about new protective factors and reinforce what they already know,” she said.

Ozier added if students want to know more about sex education after the lecture, they could contact the HERC office.

“You can also come visit us in our office in the Student Service Building on the third floor,” Spannagel said.


What: Six Pack Series, Part 5 “Sex in the College”

When: 7 p.m. today

Where: Lumpkin Auditorium

For More Info: Contact the HERC at 581-7786 or in-person on the 3rd floor of the Student Services Building, Room 5019

Jessica Leggin can be reached at 581-7942 or at [email protected].