Convocation ceremony invites communication

Student Body President Levi Bulgar is excited because freshmen have received an opportunity to see what they got themselves into.

“It’s a beginning of a new chapter in their lives,” he said.

The Convocation Ceremony at 7 tonight in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union will officially welcome the incoming class of 2008 to Eastern.

Bulgar will introduce speakers such as President Bill Perry and Ann Fritz, the 2007-08 faculty laureate.

“It’s difficult not to be impressed with this event,” Bulgar said.

Bulgar said this annual ceremony reminds students and faculty about the common bond shared between them.

“It reaffirms why we are here, and that is for excellence and academics,” he said, adding that this is a great time for students to get to know the faculty.

“This convocation gives you the opportunity to see the side of the faculty you don’t see,” he said.

Bulgar said a student does not have to be someone special to go and talk to the faculty.

“You can just go up to them and express how you feel,” he said.

The ceremony will include an academic processional where faculty members enter with their regalia.

Kimberlie Moock, director of new student programs, said she enjoys seeing the faculty in their regalia.

“I love that,” she said. “It was a time when faculty wore their regalia in their classrooms.”

Laura Woitas, a junior elementary education major, said the ceremony would help new students meet people and know what to expect for the rest of the year.

“You can meet some of the teachers and people that can show you the ropes,” she said.

Woitas said the ceremony should help students on what they should be doing.

“The school is emphasizing more that school is first and everything else goes after that,” she said.

Moock said the convocation would focus on how to make the most out of one’s academic school year.

“We will make sure that the aims of education are expressed,” she said. “It will take us back to the intent and purpose of this institution.”

Jessica Leggin can be reached at 581-7942 or at [email protected].