What to do with your free time

For all of those people scrambling to get midterm assignments completed, there might be hope in avoiding the same mistakes for finals.

Shawn Ness, a graduate assistant for the Counseling Center, will present a lecture on procrastination Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Effingham Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Procrastination is “letting our low priority tasks get in the way of our high priority tasks,” Ness said.

“An example is when you socialize with your friends or watch TV instead of doing your homework. Both are priorities-it’s just a matter of which is really more important,” she said.

Ness said the most important way to combat procrastination is to develop better time management skills.

“Most people would be surprised with how much free time they actually have,” Ness said.

Some topics that will be discussed include: defining procrastination; identifying ways that people procrastinate; discovering the causes of procrastination and ways to avoid it.

“What you do with your time is what really matters,” Ness said.