Where were you on September 11?

September 11th, 2002 will be forever engraved in the minds of those living. September 11th ranks up with the assassination of J.F.K. “Where were you on September 11th?” will be the one question my kids will ask me, just like when I asked my parents where they were the day J.F.K died.

That fateful morning, I remember sitting in my 1st hour research paper class at MacArthur High School. The teacher came in and told us that a plane just hit the one of the twin towers of the World Trade Center. A great sense of worry swept through my classmates and me as she told us the news. I went to my pre-calculus class where the whole class sat and watched in horror as the second plane hit the second tower. After I got out of school at lunchtime, I immediately called my parents to make sure they knew what happened and to make sure they were okay. I was glued to the TV all day. I went to our community college for my history class, but we didn’t end up having class instead we just watched CNN and FOX News on the TV in the comm! ons. September 11th was also my now ex-boyfriend and my year and a half anniversary. I went out to his house and watched the news with his mom as we waited for him to get out of classes. My dad called me and warned me to go get gas because every gas station was jacking up their prices. Whenever I left to go back home that night, I could hardly leave the little town of less than 1,000 people because everyone was in line at the gas station to get gas.

As I look back, I can still play the events of that horrific day in my head. Not soon enough will we be able to rebuild and mourn the losses of the thousands of people that lost their lives and jobs in the World Trade Center or in the planes that hit the towers or the Pentagon.

*Allison Leener is a Freshman Accounting major