Sometimes nothing is the way it used to be

Sometimes. Weird word, very strange indeed. It can explain every coincidence, chance encounter, great feat and victory. I watched that day, saw it, emptiness is all I remember. Motives, answers, reasons, anything for understanding. How can…Why did…Who thought…What gains…, questions, but really more. Safety of my family and crew took searching for answers into creating them myself.

As conspiracy theories roam, I know the truth is out there. American foreign policy mistakes, brain-washed perpetrators, illuminati at their best. But really, who cares? The emptiness remains. Our generation was attacked more so than any other. Our world view will be shaped from this experience, just as Pearl Harbor did for our grandparents. Any event will; shape, alter, fix, confuse and mold; any ideology, perception, faith and memory. No other event in our lives has done so until Sept. 11. The way we evaluate travel, business, freedom, censorship, due process as well as the right to bear arms all changed after Sept. 11.

I love you all. Don’t get caught up in petty arguments or hold grudges. There is love out there that needs to be touched or better yet manhandled. We need to unify everything right and just. The way it should be. Life is short, remember…please, sometimes. Sometimes you can go to work, get caught on the 95th floor and never come back. Some…times……