Expressing our true colors

September 11, 2001, a day that will never be forgotten. Terror, confusion, rage, and loss were all emotions running through the hearts of every American. The once indestructible nation brought down by an act of hate that would forever change the security felt by everyone affected. As the twin towers began to crumble so did the perception of power that the U.S.A. once held. At 9:30 on that infamous day was a morning that would alter my ways of thinking forever.

As I sat in school carrying on with normal activities, an announcement came over the intercom that a plane had crashed into the world trade center. Although surprised, the events that were yet to come never crossed the minds of any of the students. Shortly after the bell rang, I proceeded into my graphics arts room where news reports of the accident covered the TV. Pictures of the dismantled tower and film clips of the horrifying crash played over and over in my mind. Within minutes, the nation was informed of the hijacked planes and the evil plot that had been carried out. I along with the rest of America was in disbelief. It was as though the world stopped. Teachers stopped lecturing, businessmen stopped trading, and students put down their pencils to watch as our country endured the effects of terrorism. As terrified people ran to escape death, others chose to stay and help. I will never forget watching the families as they posted letters and pictures all over New York City in hope to reunite. I had never been so captivated with anticipation when rescue workers dug through the ruble in hope of finding just one person. However, through all the loss and suffering heroes emerged in a dignified manner. The NYPD, NYFD, the men who fought back on the third plane and prevented another possible tragedy, and all the families that lost loved ones are all individuals that represent what this country defines. Although this tragic event cost many innocent people their lives, I believe that it has brought our nation closer together. People of all different ethnic backgrounds and unique life stories have joined together to unite for the good of the country. And like the flag that still flies above the ground upon which many innocent Americans lost their lives, our country might be ragged and torn, but we are still flying high and expressing our true colors.

*Megan Sparks is a Freshman Marketing major