Forum on hate crime prevention Monday

A viewing of clips from “Not In Our Town II,” a documentary highlighting the organizations and individuals combating hate crimes in their communities, will be part of the “Not In Our Town” city and campus forum Monday.

The forum will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union at 6 p.m.

After viewing excerpts from “Not In Our Town II,” panel members including Charleston Mayor Dan Cougill, active community members, student government members and Eastern professors are to address the issue of hate crime prevention within a community, Alison Mormino, University Board lecture coordinator, said.

“Not In Our Town II” is part of the Public Broadcasting Service’s “Democracy Project,” an initiative to stimulate citizen engagement in civic life.

The event coincides with the national “Not In Our Town” campaign, which includes local documentary screenings, town hall meetings and classroom lessons in communities across the nation.

“We are showing part of the second video which focuses on Bloomington, Ill.,” Mormino said.

The initial documentary filmed in 1995, “Not In Our Town,” generated rallies, church rebuilding teams and community task forces addressing hate violence by utilizing resources at the community level.