Natural Ties host spaghetti dinner

Natural Ties will host its fourth annual spaghetti dinner at 4:30 p.m. Thursday at the Sigma Kappa/Tri Sigma house to raise funds for the organization.

Natural Ties is an organization that promotes the development of friendships between disabled people and non-disabled people. This dinner is one of Natural Ties’ many fund raisers, and the money received from the ticket sales will go toward the group, Megan Canum, a Natural Ties member, said.

“Natural Ties is a great organization to be involved with because the disabled people of the Charleston community count on the support from Natural Ties as well as Eastern,” Canum said.

The dinner will consist of all-you-can-eat spaghetti and garlic bread.

Tickets are available for $5 in advance, or they can be purchased for $6 at the door.

In addition, anyone who purchases a ticket will automatically be entered into a raffle that will take place during the dinner.

“We are hoping for a large turnout because this is our biggest fundraiser,” Canum said. “We could really use the support from everyone.”

The dinner is open to the public.