Paul Simon to speak on campus

Former U.S. Senator Paul Simon will visit Eastern’s campus Tuesday to provide his thoughts on the Americas’ diplomatic challenges in fighting terrorism. “He will talk about U.S. efforts in Afghanistan, as well as diplomatic efforts to keep the coalition against terrorism together,” Ryan Hendrickson, a political science professor, said.

The lecture will begin at 7 p.m. in Phipps Auditorium, Room 1205, in the Physical Sciences Building.

Hendrickson, who is responsible for organizing the event, believes that the speech will last about an hour.

“There will be about forty minutes of talking, then a short question and answer, and then there will be a little time afterwards for anyone who wants to meet him to do so,” he said.

Hendrickson feels the lecture is a terrific opportunity to hear a political icon speak about important issues right here on campus.

“I think that students should attend because he is addressing important topics, and also because he is a historic figure in American politics,” he said. “He is a two time senator, a former presidential candidate, and just a tremendous historical legacy.”

Simon served in the Illinois legislature for 14 years and was elected for one term as Illinois Lieutenant Governor. He also served 22 years in the United States Congress, including two terms in the Senate. Simon was also a presidential candidate in 1988 and 1992.

Throughout his many years of politics, he has been known for defending voting rights of all Americans, his efforts to alleviate world hunger and his support of sustainable environmental policies.

Simon is currently a faculty member at Southern Illinois University. He teaches courses in political science, journalism and history.

The speech is sponsored by the Center for Diplomacy and Foreign Policy Studies and the Political Science Department.

Hendrickson said the lecture will be very insightful and a great chance to see a historical legacy speak.

“A walking piece of history is coming to Eastern,” he said.