Faculty Senate toformulate development recommendations

The Faculty Senate Tuesday plans to craft recommendations stemming from its Spring 2002 Faculty Forum.

The forum fostered discussion on designing development to utilize the strengths of Eastern faculty, providing service to faculty in all stages of career development and supporting faculty to balance their responsibilities.

Senate Vice Chair Reed Benedict, associate anthropology/sociology professor, said senate members will show up armed with recommendations and will formulate more during the meeting. He said the recommendations that are developed will be forwarded to the administration, likely the vice president for academic affairs.

The senate also received an e-mail from Sue Songer about hosting an upcoming International Tea. The senate hosted one last year, Benedict said, and will discuss sponsoring another one this year.

Also on the agenda is discussion of interim President Lou Hencken’s upcoming State of the University Address, where he will discuss what Eastern has done this year and plans for the future. The senate will try to come up with a date for the address, which usually takes place on a Tuesday after the Faculty Senate meeting, Benedict said.

The senate will again discuss a proposed change to Internal Governing Policies regarding tuition rates for online courses, Benedict said.

The senate will also review the minutes of the Jan. 7 meeting of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee.

The Faculty Senate meets at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the faculty lounge of Buzzard Hall, Room 2504.