Booth completion delayed again

Booth Library may not be open to students for use on Jan. 7, an opening date that administrators had announced despite recurring project delays throughout the semester.

Administrators are unsure of when the new completion date will be, but the library’s north entrance may still be open when the spring semester begins, but with “minimal books” and workers still in the building, Steve Shrake, Physical Plant director said Thursday.

However, he could not guarantee that the north entrance would be open when classes resume.

Because of the delay, students who were hired to move library materials into the facility over winter break were informed Wednesday by a contracted company that their services would not be needed.

“I’m not prepared to say whether (opening the library on Jan. 7) is doable or not doable,” Shrake said. “I don’t want to get in to making another promise.”

Shrake said concrete work and carpet installation still need to be completed in the library’s north entrance before that section can be opened.

Jeff Cooley, vice president for business affairs, said a “contract change delay” involving the terrace floor of the south entrance just recently “popped up,” perhaps also preventing that entrance from being open by the beginning of spring semester.

“I couldn’t really say if it will be done when students get back,” Cooley said. “We have to wait and see how that will effect things.”

Cooley said Thursday that he was planning a Friday meeting with those involved to discuss the issue.

However, Shrake said he has known for about a month that the completion date may be prolonged, but he said the possible delay was not announced because it was more important to keep “contractors under the gun.”

The delays began in October when carpeting problems caused a domino effect of problems preventing furniture and books moving in on schedule, Shrake said.

“It may seem like I’m being deceptive, but my goal is to drive contractors to meet dates the best I can,” Shrake said.

Shrake said that the contractors estimate the south entrance won’t open for another six to eight weeks due to the issues with the flooring.

For the administration, Shrake said the most important issues now are to focus on opening a safe library and make sure there is separation between the public and work zones.

“I want [the library] to be safe,” Shrake said. “Even if that means we have to wait a couple weeks.”

In the Tuesday Oct. 16 edition of The Daily Eastern News (ITALICIZE ON PAGE), Allen Lanham, dean of library services, said the $21 million Booth Library renovation would be completed on Jan. 7 and 80 percent of library materials would be in place.

In the Oct. 31 edition of The Daily Eastern News, Lanham revised that timeline saying that the Booth would open on Jan. 7, but some parts of the library might be closed as workers complete projects.