NRHH reps selected

The Residence Hall Association tabled several proposed constitutional changes at their meeting Thursday night in Ford Hall.

One proposed change would give every building and voting complex at least one elected RHA representative. This would give every hall at least three voting members on RHA. Currently, halls with less than 100 residents have only two votes in RHA.

Sarah Maeobach, National Residence Hall Honorary Liaison, said this proposal would give smaller halls a greater say in RHA.

The other proposed changes are for compliance with the constitution. They include wording changes, such as changing the word “hall” to “building or complex” in several sections.

All of the proposed changes were tabled for next week.

RHA also voted on five nominees for NRHH, whose members represent the top 1 percent of the leaders on campus.

Maeobach said NRHH membership is “one of the greatest honors” that can be attained at Eastern.

The five nominees are Mike Ochs, Kevin Leverance, Tara Whittington, Derrice Hightower and Diana Montgomery. All five were unanimously nominated.

Amy Grammer, president of RHA, said that the floor would be opened at the next meeting for nominations for a new president. Grammer said she will be graduating at the end of the semester. Elections will be Nov. 8.