In sports, no news is bad news

Good morning, sports fans. With the lack of athletic events on campus, and many of the popular stories being overdone, I am at a loss on what this column is really about.

When I sat down this morning, as I usually do on Wednesdays to decide what to write my column on I came to one inevitable fact. I am lost. There is nothing that intrigues me this week.

Think about it. How many Cardinals, Cubs or White Sox columns can we swallow in a two-week stretch. Although I love baseball, I don’t know how many more homerun or pennant chasing columns I can swallow.

So I decided to scratch baseball off my list. I quickly thought about the Bears and what they were doing, but then I figured if Jerry Angelo doesn’t care if we win five or six games than I am not going to waste my time. Well, I guess I just did. So that’s gone.

Then I got the idea to do something on college football. I thought, “maybe I’ll make preditictions on who will win the national championship or the Heisman.” But there are no real strong candidates for the Heisman, nor are there many teams that are truly runaway teams.

So, I guess what this column will be about will be my indifference about everything going on in the world of sports right now.

I wish someone would be as smart as John Rocker making ascinine comments. Sarcasm. How about someone like Ray Lewis being an idiot about being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not these things are good by any means, but I wish someone would at least give me something to write about.

Danny Almonte is trying to help me out, but there isn’t enough there for an entire column. Sure, the kid may be old enough to drive to practices and games, but no can prove it.

Even if they do it doesn’t matter because his team didn’t win the Little League World Series, so let the kid alone. Even if he is older than 12 he is still pretty darn good.

I don’t know maybe I am just spoiled with all of the stupid things that athletes have done in the past. Maybe I am just not trying hard enough. Maybe I should just end this ramble and start on next week’s column.