Roommates need to respect each other

Have you ever had a roommate that frustrated you so much that it took the fun out of college sometimes?

I’m sure many of you have. Sometime or another, we all have had to live with someone else or several people while attending college. Since no one is raised the same way, we have our own understanding of morals and values that we were taught by our parents.

Simply put, roommates should have respect for the person(s) they live with. From my own experience, I have come up with a list of don’ts for things you shouldn’t do if you want to live peacefully with your roommate.

First of all, most of us who live in the dorms know that some of the clothes dryers are not in the best working condition. It is a hassle when you have to go up and down the stairs three or four times to restart the dryer because your

clothes are still damp.

If this happens to you, do not lay your wet clothes on your roommate’s bed to dry. I would think that it is common sense not to do this. At least have consideration and respect enough to lay your clothes on your own bed.

Secondly, if you are going to answer the phone and take a message for your roommate, relay the message to your roommate the day that person called. Especially, if it is your roommate’s mother. What is the point of even picking up the phone if yu’re going to give your roommate the message the next day? By then, the message is invalid and of no use to your roommate.

And, actually write down the message. With everything else going on, you’re not going to remember it in your head. One more thing; write down the person’s last name. How many different Chris’s or John’s do you know?

Thirdly, do not rearrange the room without the consent of your roommate if it involves moving your things on their side of the room. Both of you are paying to live there, so unless you plan to pay your roommate’s half, have consideration and keep your bed and furnishings on your side of the room.

Next, when you hear your alarm go off in the morning, do not hit the snooze button every five minutes for an hour while your roommate is trying to sleep. They may not have to get up for classes at that time, but they are forced to wake up because you won’t get out of bed. I truly don’t understand the logic behind this one, but some lazy people do it.

Finally, when you leave the room for more than 15 minutes, do not leave the door to your room wide open for anyone to walk in and steal whatever they want. Just because you don’t have anything of value in the room does not mean that your roommate doesn’t. Respect their belongings and at least shut the door when you leave. And don’t get mad at your roommate when they lock you out in the process because you failed to take your keys with you. Is your roommate supposed to read your mind and know that you’re three doors down the hall? I think not.

All in all, have some common sense and try to get along with your roommate(s). Roommates can add chaos to our already stressed lives. My advice is not to live with someone for more than two semesters. THere will be exceptions, of course, but I have yet to find any.