Tarble After Hours with video games, art Friday
Grace O’Brien, a Graphics Design major, eats with friends at the 2017 Tarble After Hours Harry Potter pARTy at the Tarble Arts Center. “I’m glad about how creatively it came out,” O’Brien said. “There are wide variety of activities, and it looks like who ever showed up is having a great time.”
November 11, 2021
Art projects, video games and education are all being combined into one event Friday evening from 5:30-8 p.m.: Tarble After Hours.
Tarble After Hours happens every semester, but the activities included change for each one and are often related to the current exhibitions in the building.
Visiting artist Cole Lu will be featured Friday, reading his essay “Box Jumpers” to accompany one of the current exhibitions, “Force Majeure.”
Lu has read, exhibited and lectured nationally and his work has been featured in New York, St. Louis and Madrid, Spain.
According to Lu’s bio, “His work is an active engagement of shifting and reframing the value and worth of what is subject to Others.” More information and photos of Lu’s work can be found on his website, cole-lu.com.
Lu’s reading will be followed by a designated time to discuss his art practice.
“Force Majeure” is by Hannah Black, micha cárdenas, Shirin Neshat, Pipilotti Rist, Janaina Tschäpe and Carrie Mae Weems. According to Tarble’s website, the exhibition “traces the history of video and technology as media that amplified the voices of feminist discourse from second- to third- and fourth-wave aesthetics and strategies.”
Attendees of Tarble After Hours will also have the opportunity to participate in making art themselves as part of the “Yoko Ono: Mend Piece” exhibition.
Visitors will be invited to put together parts of broken cups and saucers using twine, glue, scissors and tape. The finished works will be displayed on shelves on the gallery walls.
After the essay and discussion are over, the Commonspace area of Tarble will be switched over to a gaming area with a Nintendo Switch, projector and refreshments.
Attendees will be required to register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tarble-after-hours-tickets-169223009577 to make sure everyone will be able to properly social distance. They will also be required to wear masks unless they are seated and eating or drinking.
Luke Taylor can be reached at 581-2812 or egtaylor@eiu.edu.