Column: Find yourself in college to improve your experience

Gillian Eubanks

As we are coming up on finals week, I know everyone feels the pressure that’s on. Every year, we have to come to this and it’s never fun. But the bright side is, you’ve made it to the end of the year. So, congratulations for making it.

I will be entering my senior year next semester, and it is so surreal. I’m sure many others can relate to this feeling. It’s incredibly intense, but also relieving. I also have two friends who are graduating this year, so congratulations to them. It’s actually so exciting to see my friends completing their degrees and going into the “real” world.

If you are like me and still have however many years left, I’m here to give you some advice to get through the next week and really any time during your college career.

College is intense. This is actually an understatement. College is literally life-changing. But I’ve found a few ways to help me navigate it easier. First, remember that you are young. It can be hard sometimes to feel this way when you’re in college because there’s usually just so much going on.

Most of us have a job, if not more than one, on top of classes, a social life, relationships, our own problems, etc. It can be overwhelming at times. Learning time management is also a key to handling all of this. However, sometimes it’s important to slow down and remember you are young. Be responsible, but have fun.

These are years we won’t get back, and there’s so many opportunities for us. We have to take advantage of them while we can. So, go on crazy adventures with your friends, eat literally whatever you want and make time for yourself to do the things you love. It’s so crucial to let some of this college stress off of your shoulders.

Another essential piece of advice for getting through college, is to really learn yourself. These are amazing years to start going down that “who am I” journey. Do some deep soul-searching. Understanding what you truly want in life, how you want your life to look, what your goals are, etc., will help improve your college experience. It’s hard to really answer these questions but most of know what we don’t want, and that’s a good place to start too.

Once you can get an idea to what the answers are to these questions, you’ll be able to center your studies to cater to what you want in your life. This can be incredibly helpful for those of us who struggle to know what they are doing in college, and thereafter.


Gillian Eubanks is a junior health communication major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected].