Letter to the Editor: EIU Pride inclusive, true to its roots

I would like to address some concerns about our campus’ diversity student organization, EIU Pride, that Mr. Clinton Brown raised in yesterday’s edition of The DEN. Brown claims that Pride is “cliquish” and that the members of the organization are not open to varying interpretations of gender and sexuality.

I would like to assure everyone that this is simply not the case. The truth is that EIU Pride was founded on the principal of freedom of expression for everyone; inclusivity and diversity are at the root of what Pride stands for and will continue to stand for in the future. Pride is not here to define sexuality or gender identity, but rather to support the incredibly different and beautiful people that want to make this campus a better place for everyone.

As a three-year member of this organization, I have seen many genuine friendships develop between the interesting, motivated people of which Pride is comprised. I believe a testament to the power of Pride is the consistently high level of cooperation that exists between each and every member – different though they may be – who contributes regularly to the group.

How else would Pride pull off grand-scale events every year, such as the Diva Drag Show and the Sex Positive Fair? As the current president of EIU Pride, I can say with confidence that this organization operates with integrity and has long ago dispensed with the childish “cliquishness” of which Brown accuses it. I love being a part of an organization in which people are free to not only express their diverse opinions, but also to have their opinions heard. EIU Pride meets every Monday at 8 p.m. in the Charleston/Mattoon Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union, and absolutely everyone is welcome to attend.

Nico Canaday

Senior English major

President, EIU Pride