One-man performer questions student’s identities

A one-man performer will be talking about race and diversity, which will make audience members question how they view themselves today.

The University Board invited Michael Fosberg to perform his one-man show called “Incognito”.

Fosberg will be speaking about his journey of discovering who he is and how he sees himself at 7 p.m. today in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Fosberg said he talks with audience members about who they are and about how their background affects how they identify themselves.

He said the play brings up all the different things that people associate with who they are, and that element of the play is what makes it fascinating.

Fosberg said not everyone identifies themselves the same way as someone else and our perceptions of others are different.

“Who you are is a lifetime journey and I think that is why the play has resonated with so many people,” Fosberg said.

Fosberg’s play details the journey he took to find his father and how he learned his heritage.

Fosberg grew up in Waukegan in a working class caucasian family.

“All my life, for some unexplained reason, I always felt a deep connection to African American culture,” Fosberg said.

Fosberg said that when he found out who his father was, his connection to African American culture made sense. Fosberg’s father and heritage are African American.

“It was a really joyous event to learn my heritage,” Fosberg said.

Fosberg said when he meet his father he learned so much.

“I grew up in a working white class family and learned that I am so much more than that,” Fosberg said.

Fosberg said he refers to himself as “Triple A-African America and Armenian.”

“I try to embrace all of who I am,” Fosberg said.

After finding out about his heritage, he said he did not have an issue adjusting to the idea of being African American.

“All of my friends have been accepting,” he said. “Although I get all kinds of reactions when I perform.”

Fosberg said that learning how you are is not something that you find out in one day.

“All these things make up who you are right now,” he said. “As you get older things change.”

Fosberg said that even though the show is a play that it is very entertaining and interesting.

“You walk in, have a great time, and walk out thinking about what you just saw,” Fosberg said.

Samantha McDaniel can be reached at 581-7942

or [email protected].