Shuttle bus eliminates stops made on route

The shuttle bus will be making less stops on the square this year, Ronnie Deedrick, student vice president for academic affairs and former shuttle bus committee chair announced at Wednesday’s Student Senate meeting.

This will allow the bus to make more stops at the former Booth West and the old IGA on 18th St., which are currently serving as arts buildings.

Election results

Twelve new senate members were also seated and members were appointed to several different committees.

Ten senate seats were left vacant after last spring’s elections. However, two members have since resigned. Of the 12 positions, five were at large, three were on campus and four were off campus.

Twenty-seven students applied for the senate positions, which is more students than applied in the last several years, said Bill Davidson, speaker of the Senate.

Who’s in…

Approved as senate members were: Mike Grant, Jenn Anderson, Kyle Donash, Alecia Robinson, Adam Howell, Ryan Berger, Brice Donnelly, Kristen Benson, Ryan Herdes, Rebekah Beachy, Nick Owens and Nancy Zegler.

Senate also approved Lindsey Baum, Tim Machnik and James Paton for the Judicial Board.

Deedrick and Baum were approved to the Elections Comission.

Approved to the Library Advisory Board were Jenn Anderson and Jaime Irving.

David Grey, Niki Klinger, Judia Burton, Michael Reidy, Roberto Luna, Christy Olszynski and Brian Scios to the Apportionment Board.

The search isn’t over

Deedrick also announced that he is looking for a student dean for the Education and Arts and Humanities departments.

Student Body President Alison Mormino announced she was looking for three non-senate members for the student supreme court.

Also needing non-senate members are the student action team, the Tuition and Fee Review committee and the University Development and Recycling committee. Applications for the positions can be picked up in the Student Activities office located on the second floor of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.