Summers schedule swells

An increase in students attending summer school has prompted the addition of new sections and extra seats in many classes.

William Weber, acting director of summer school, said that about 100 more students than originally expected have enrolled in summer school. To accommodate the overflow, 10 new class sections will be offered for the summer and extra seats will be added to several existing classes.

The majority of added classes, which were approved on April 22, include senior seminar sections and general education sections. The classes have been very popular with summer students and were accumulating long waiting lists, he said.

The university will not release an extra summer registration schedule to inform students about the change. Instead, administrators are depending on advisers to inform students about the extra sections and seats, departments to announce the changes in classes and post flyers and the students on waiting lists to fill the extra classes.

“It’s too soon to know (how students will respond to new classes), but many of these are to address students on waiting lists, so I’m sure they will be well-received,” he said.

The new classes will cost the university $50,000, which will come from money freed up from other budgets. However, Weber said he suspects most of the cost will be recovered from the extra tuition.