Workshop to address pursuing perfection and its adverse effects

Perfectionists can learn how to eliminate their hindrances by attending the “Nobody’s Perfect” workshop Wednesday.

“Nobody’s Perfect” will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Effingham Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Karola Alford, a member of Eastern’s Counseling Center, will lead the workshop on perfectionism, discussing the consequences of an “all or nothing” attitude.

“We will be talking about when a person is a perfectionist and how someone can determine if he or she is one or not,” Alford said.

The workshop will contain information about what causes someone to be a perfectionist as well as the costs of being one.

“It will be a good discussion,” she said. “We will talk about the health risks of perfectionism, which may include stomach ulcers, headaches, muscle aches and others.”

Perfectionists usually hold extremely high standards for themselves, which causes stress on their everyday lives.

“We’ll be talking about how perfectionists are very anxious and never satisfied,” Alford said.

Alford became interested in the subject of perfectionism through her counseling work with many Eastern students.

“I see it in students pretty frequently,” she said. “Some people are just extremely hard on themselves.”

Alford has had experience working in the field of chemical dependency and has held other workshops dealing with relationships, family and many other fields involving counseling.

“I’ve worked with a little bit of everything. My experience is pretty widespread,” she said.

The workshop is open to all students as well as the general public.

“I would really love to have a good turnout,” Alford said.