Lecture to help students with credit card debt

Students who are suffering from credit card debt are invited to attend the “Freedom from Debt” presentation Tuesday.

“Freedom from Debt” will begin at 7 p.m. in the Sullivan Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

The hour-long presentation will be given by Linda Simpson, a professor in the family and consumer sciences department.

“I’ve been lecturing on this topic in front of my classes, but I’ve never had a chance to give a university-wide presentation,” Simpson said .

Being a teacher of consumer education, Simpson has received feedback from students who are either in debt to credit card companies or know some one who is. Simpson thought that this topic is one of great importance to college students.

“It’s not uncommon for students to come to me because there roommate has been spending too much on their credit card and is having trouble paying the bills,” she said.

Once students are old enough to register to vote, they are old enough to own a credit card. Because of this, credit card companies will send applications to college students, who mistake it for ‘magic money.’

Simpson said that she has a direct purpose for her presentation.

“My main goal is to get students out of (credit card) debt and to stay out,” she said.