Ladies night to offer protection

Tonight is ladies’ night as the Counseling Center presents “Fighting Monsters,” a workshop for women only, offering guidance on how to use intuition to identify dangerous people.

The workshop, led by David Onestack, director of the Counseling Center, will be at 7:30 p.m. in the Charleston/Mattoon Room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Onestack said he will examine the strategies men with bad intent use to gain control over women and look at questions such as “What do guys do when they have bad intent?” and “How do you protect yourself?”

“In terms of how to protect yourself, women have one of the greatest self-defense mechanisms ever given to them by nature, and that’s their intuition,” he said. “(Intuition) is knowing something without knowing why you know it.” He said if a guy creeps a woman out, and she can’t quite put her finger on why, she should not argue with her intuition.

Onestack said one example of a sign of bad intent is a refusal to hear “no,” such as if a guy insists on buying a woman a drink or dancing with her.

“A guy who will not take ‘no’ for an answer is a terribly dangerous sign,” he said.

Onestack said he wanted to prepare women to avoid harmful situations because although Eastern is a safe campus, no campus is totally safe.

“This isn’t about knowing what to do once the guy is on top of you; this is about prevention,” he said. “This is about how to keep the guy from ever getting on top of you.

“The best defense is never to get into a situation when you’re with a dangerous person alone,”