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The Daily Eastern News

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The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

The student news site of Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois.

The Daily Eastern News

Dear Aunt T: Humanities and dating 101

Dear Aunt T: Humanities and dating 101

Tera Johnson-Swartz, Columnist October 2, 2023

There are rumors that humanities departments around the country are in trouble. Less and less students are voluntarily taking courses in the arts for a myriad of reasons, one popular argument being, if...

Jim Johnson sits in a Hollywood-style director's chair that says "sculpture is my life." Johnson spent over 40 years of his life devoted to the art of sculpture.

Former Eastern dean will be remembered for ‘disarming’ personality

Rob Le Cates, Editor-in-Chief May 30, 2022

Jim Johnson, a former Eastern dean and artist, who oversaw the construction of the Doudna Fine Arts Center, died May 7, at home after a long illness. He died at 80 years old. Blowing glass, casting...

Center for the Humanities book club

Angelica Cataldo, Managing Editor January 31, 2017

  As part of an up-and-coming program focusing on the concept of mortality, the Center for the Humanities, in conjunction with members of the community, will be hosting a book club in various locations...

Heidi Stevens, former Editor in Chief for The Daily EasternNews and coulumnist fof The Chicago Tribune discusses her personal and proffesional life, and emphasises the importance of writing what you want.

Tribune writer talks humanities, columns

Elizabeth Stephens, Contributing Writer November 2, 2016

  Heidi Stevens, a columnist for the Chicago Tribune’s mission is to make readers feel less alone with her columns. This is why when a member of the audience at a previous speaking engagement...

CAA to vote on 3 new courses

Megan Ivey, Staff Reporter September 30, 2015

The Council for Academic Affairs will review and vote on three new courses, two in the sociology and anthropology department and one in the psychology department, during its meeting Thursday. Marita...

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