Eastern hoists Asian American, Pacific Islander heritage flag


Rob Le Cates

From left, Shariah Campbell, a graduate student studying human service program administration, andAdam Reedy, a primary counselor at TRIO, raise the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month flag Monday at noon. The flag is raised in April instead of May because students won’t be on campus in May.

Staff Report

An Eastern grad student and TRIO specialist hoisted the Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month flag Monday afternoon.

At Eastern, Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month is celebrated in April compared to May when it is nationally celebrated. This is due to most students returning home from campus during most of May and would not allow the Asian American and Islander Pacific heritage time to be celebrated by students on campus.

Shariah Campbell, a graduate student studying human service program administration, and Adam Reedy, a TRIO education specialist, removed the Pride flag that was hoisted on April 1 and hoisted the Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage flag.

For Eastern’s 2022 Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month, the EIU Asian Heritage Month committee held an EIU Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month Bulletin Board Contest.

The bulletin boards submitted were required to be themed around Legacies of Asian Heritage. This could include Asian pioneering figures, social movements, arts, culture and historical events. Submissions could also focus on topics, which tie in the department, office or field the bulletin board represents.

There are no other known events occurring this month for Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month at this time.


The News Staff can be reached at 581-2812 or at [email protected].