March to City Hall planned for Wednesday

Staff Report

A march in protest of white supremacy messages found on campus two weeks ago is scheduled for Wednesday on Eastern’s campus.

The march, which students, staff and faculty are encouraged to attend, begins in Booth Library at 4 p.m. 

Those in attendance will walk from Booth Library to City Hall.

Eastern Police Chief Kent Martin and the University Police Department will be in attendance to show their support for the cause. 

Eastern’s Faculty Senate encouraged all faculty to spread the word about the march to as many people as they could at their meeting Tuesday. 

Eastern President David Glassman cannot attend the march, but he voiced his support for it via an email to Eastern staff, students and faculty on Tuesday. 

Glassman’s statement read:

“I and my administration fully support this march and invite all members of our community -faculty, alumni, and Charleston community members – to participate. EIU’s core values are strong, and include inclusion, equity and belonging. This march will help unite us. Hateful and discriminatory propaganda has no place here.

EIU is and remains a safe campus, thanks to our deep commitment to our core values.”

The white supremacy messages being spoken out against were left in plastic bags across campus, containing various posters tagged with white power propaganda messages. 

The news staff can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected]