Editorial: Don’t abuse emergency services

Most people are aware that it is against the law to contact your local authorities when there is no valid or real emergency taking place.

For some people, they seem to think that dialing 911 is the only solution to getting rid of their problems.

We live in a world where some people will always cause problems and make your life difficult.

Unfortunately, not everything in life is fair, and sometimes you have to turn the other cheek and be a civil, mature human being, rather than picking up your phone and calling the police when someone offends you or says something that you do not like.

For most people, this will come as a surprise, as you do not often hear of people calling the police for the most miniscule things, but we are here to tell you that there are plenty of people who are guilty of doing this.

We at The Daily Eastern News are fully aware that authorities should be contacted when an actual emergency is taking place, but we want to strongly encourage and remind everyone, especially students, that the authorities should not be contacted unless you actually feel threatened or in a dire situation where you need help.

There will be times where your peers and other residents in the halls will not be your favorite people, and there will be times that you may feel rather annoyed by them or you simply just do not like them.

This does not serve as a reason for you to call the police.

If you feel as though a resident is bothering you, such as annoying you or saying things that you do not like, go to your Resident Assistant or contact the director of your hall.

Now, this does not mean that if someone is legitimately harassing you or threatening you that you should not call the authorities.

We fully believe that in those specific situations, the police and other authorities are the right people to contact.

We simply just want to remind the students and other people at Eastern to be mindful of their reasoning for contacting authorities.

When you call because of an invalid reason, it simply wastes the time of police officers and dispatchers, who have to file reports over situations that are not dire.

Just be aware of your situation and get a second opinion before you resort to contacting police officers and other authorities. They will appreciate this.