Editorial: Let student athletes get paid for their likenesses

A recent California law that was signed by Governor Gavin Newsom could allow college athletes to get paid through their own endorsement deals, and we at The Daily Eastern News support it.

The law states that collegiate players can strike their own endorsement deals and hire agents, according to The New York Times.

The action is huge for the future of collegiate athletics, and other states are reportedly starting inquiries into passing laws similar to that of California’s.

The law is long overdue, and college athletes all over the country deserve to get this same treatment.

The NCAA has long considered collegiate athletes to be “student-athletes,” and the NCAA has always considered them to be amateurs.

The issue with that is college athletes practice hours upon hours every day, for five days a week. 

If anyone is deserving of a chance for any sort of compensation for their efforts, it is the athletes at universities.

To clear up what the law does, it does not say that universities will pay the student-athletes, nor does it say that the NCAA will pay them.

Rather, it just opens up the possibility for the students to go out and make deals for themselves and promote products and companies.

The argument that students get “paid to play” by given scholarships is only valid to a certain point. While getting a scholarship to play football is certainly rewarding, some athletes may live off campus or may come from a poor background. For these athletes, this law could be extremely helpful.

On top of that, if an athlete gets hurt, the school may not (often does not) pay for surgery or treatment, if outside medical help is needed.

Athletes are getting a chance to help themselves, so what is the big deal? It is not like the schools or organization are paying the athletes, so in that sense, those organizations do not have to dish out more money.

Will some athletes benefit from endorsements more than others, yes, but that is the nature of business and of America largely.

Sorry, but life is not fair.

But even the athletes who are not projected to make it to the big leagues could get small endorsements from places around campus or their hometowns.

Collegiate athletes already get jobs on campuses, so what is the big deal of them making money from this avenue?

This is a big win for student-athletes, and we need to acknowledge that and support further action to help them.