EDITORIAL: Include students in gen ed. discussion

Staff Editorial

Eastern now has a general education committee, which will be made up of interim members who will discuss the effectiveness of general education courses at Eastern and also decide on if changes need to be made in how general education courses are taught. 

The committee will be chaired by professor Grant Sterling. 

We at The Daily Eastern News believe the formation of this committee is an excellent idea as we feel it can really open the door to good discussion and possibly produce, positive changes in general education courses at Eastern.

However, when the committee holds its discussions and evaluations of general education courses at Eastern and holds conversations with faculty and staff about their views on how the courses should be taught, we ask the committee remember to include students voices and opinions in all of those discussions. 

Of course faculty and staff will be able to provide tremendous insight into how general education courses should be shaped in the future at Eastern, we believe that it will be the input and voices of the students that will provide the best input into how general education courses should be at Eastern. 

This is because the students are the ones who are experiencing the classes in their current states and also because it is the students who can provide the most honest and unabashed feedback about general education courses. 

Yes, the person teaching the class can give input on how they teach the class, how students perform and how they build the curriculum, but only the students can say how they received that information and if the course was one they felt was worth taking. 

We also believe it is true that students blindly sign up for general education courses at times and also that students may tend to take those classes less seriously. But even students who do fall under that umbrella can offer valuable insight into how the apathy toward general education courses can be cured. 

The formation of the general education committee is excellent, but we urge the committee to please keep in mind that it is the students who can give the best advice on where to go with general education at Eastern.