Fair, honest reporting; different view points welcomed

Staff Editorial

The Daily Eastern News, as many of us should be well aware of, is a student publication that represents the whole student body. Thus, we welcome each and every person who has an interest in writing columns, news articles and sports articles with open arms.

We value the strength of having different voices and views on our team, and we also respect the power of free thought.

We value the diversity of opinions that flutter all around the student body and we respect everyone’s chance to be able to voice those opinions.

But, when those opinions degrade, belittle, or make others feel terrified then that’s when we put our foot down.

Just to clarify: It is without doubt that having opposing viewpoints is crucial for the opinions page of a newspaper, and we want to explore both sides to understand what people think.

We feel it is in the best interest of everyone to express multiple opinions, and we strive to do the best we can to appease everyone of those multiple opinions.

But we have to take a stand against opinions that make people feel threatened.

That is not what we do around here and we will not publish your column.

Furthermore, when it comes to writing new or sports articles, we have no interest in preventing anyone from using their writing and reporting skills at our publication, but we also strive to make sure that we deliver objective, fair content that our readership can rely on.

We want everyone to know that The Daily Eastern News welcomes anyone pursuing an interest in journalism and/or major in journalism.

We feel that as a student publication, it is important to express the views that our columnists have, as well as spread the news of events occurring on campus, and we do our best to make sure everyone is aware of what is happening.

We hope that anyone interested feels that they are more than welcome to come and be a part of student publications, whether it be in radio, television, The Daily Eastern News or The Warbler.

In our opinion, there is nothing more helpful than having hands-on experience during your college years.

The Daily Eastern News has survived 103 years, and we as staff members hope to keep the paper continuing on for much longer.