Editorial: Budget impasse affects Testing Center

Staff Editorial

The Testing Center was suspended on Monday because of the lack of staff able to run the center.

During the last round of layoffs, the only person working at the Testing Center full-time was let go, leading to other employees helping to run it in addition to their own responsibilities.

On March 11, the Office of Testing and Evaluation will lose two staff members who will be bumped to different positions.

This is an extremely unfortunate situation. According to an article in The Daily Eastern News, the Testing Center was able to help faculty who did not have the resources or knowledge to accommodate students, and without this help, the university could potentially be at risk for lawsuits if the students are not accommodated.

It is clear that students were helped by and enjoyed the Testing Center and everything it was able to offer them in terms of accommodations.

While students will still get their testing accommodations through faculty, and it is important to point out that the Office of Student Disability Services will still assist students that need it.

The fact that the Testing Center will not be around will just be another hardship the university has to face because of the budget impasse.

Students and faculty are understandably upset.

While the faculty can accommodate students with learning or any other kind of disability that causes them to need different testing accommodations, it will create more work for them at a time when many people are overworked as is.

That being said, faculty have already done their best to work with students with disabilities to help them succeed in the classroom and will continue doing so.

Though they might not always have the exact knowledge on how to accommodate students at first, reaching out to the Office of Student Disability Services is always a good way to get these resources.

However, since this office does not know the ins and outs of various departments as well as those who work in those departments, as reported in The News, faculty will need to determine with their departments and chairs how they will accommodate testing situations for students with disabilities.

It is more important than ever that students who have disabilities that interfere with test taking or learning in general be vocal about the help they need.

In the article, the director of Student Disability Services mentioned that some students can be timid about going to their instructors with their needs.

Although it can be hard to tell instructors about needing accommodations, students will be helping themselves and their instructors, especially now, if they are open and honest about what they need.

Though faculty will have to figure things out, there are some who have worked with students who need accommodations before and who are happy to help a student who is willing to learn no matter what.

If the budget impasse comes to an end and the Testing Center will be able to be opened again, it would be best for students, faculty, and the university as a whole.

However, if this does not happen soon, it will be up to the faculty and students to make up for the void it leaves.

The daily editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial board of The Daily Eastern News