Column: Be smarter about dressing for winter

Mackenzie Freund, Online Producer

Lets get real for a second.

It’s January, a magical month of pretty snowfalls, icicles forming off rooftops and gathering inside for movie nights with the people you care about.

It is also the time for Jack Frost to come visit, making lives miserable for students who have to walk across campus to get to class.

I am a wimp most days. I cannot walk outside in the winter months and not be instantly cold.

My usual outerwear for the winter includes a few things: a hat, scarf, gloves and usually a long winter coat. Emphasis on the long.

Heat is probably the best thing ever, and while I complain about winter a lot, I still do not think this is out of the ordinary.

We go to school in Illinois. Illinois has cold winters. Everybody on this campus should know that, regardless if you are from out of state.

What doesn’t make sense to me is how people can go out and not be prepared to face the wrath of Jack Frost or the Snow Miser.

I see people all the time freaking out because they don’t check the weather before they go out, but it should be a common sense thing for people to think about the winter weather they are about to face when they leave their home.

Why is it that people do not wear appropriate things from November to January.

Don’t get me wrong. I have my Columbia jacket that I wear and everything, but I have my long winter jacket that I wear most of the time.

Most people may think that wearing long coats is not cute or fun or attractive, but think about it. Would you rather be warm for the five minutes you’re outside or would you rather be cold?

Being warm should always trump looking cute or attractive just for the fact that it’s not worth being cold and uncomfortable to try and look cute for people who aren’t even looking up because of the wind.

Also, leggings are probably not the best thing to wear during winter, especially when most of the leggings I see on people are see through.

Leggings do not do much for protecting against wind, and to be honest, they are not cute for winter.

With all of the cold that’s outside, my only hope for people in the community is that you bundle up and stay warm. After all, being sick is no fun.

Mackenzie Freund is a junior journalism major. She can be reached at 581-2812 or [email protected].