Editorial: Hoverboard ban will benefit students

Staff Editorial

A new popular mode of transportation has been sweeping the nation, and it seems there isn’t anyone who is not enjoying it.

Of course, we are talking about the hoverboard, and now these things are banned from Eastern.

Yes, students are no longer allowed to have these things on campus, and this means everywhere on campus, including Greek Court, residence halls, University Court and Apartments, and the reason for the ban is because the “hoverboards” catch on fire.

In Monday’s edition of The Daily Eastern News, the article titled “Hoverboards banned from university housing,” Mark Hudson, director of University Housing and Dining, said creating a policy for this type of situation is normally a long process, but in this case, it was hard to come up with a decision.

Eastern enforced this new policy starting Jan. 8, with the reason being that there have been reports nationally that some of the batteries have caught on fire. Eastern is not the only university in Illinois to have this policy.

The Chicago Tribune reported that the University of Illinois has also placed a ban on hoverboards, although students are still allowed to ride the hoverboards outsides.

The University of Illinois at Chicago along with at least 20 other U.S. universities banned hoverboards from their campuses.

There is an actual danger to having these things around besides the things actually catching on fire.

There are multiple videos of people falling from these things, whether it is from crashing into objects or just losing their balance from standing on them.

Some people find these videos funny, whether it be Mike Tyson trying to ride one for the first time and falling or some guy dressed like Darth Vader crashing into a wall, but a lot of the time, these injuries are often quite serious, so it makes sense that places are beginning to ban these things.

The multiple dangers of these things are not just a national concern.

In Dubai, there have been several reports of hoverboard riders suffering serious injuries such as broken bones from falling from their hoverboards after they suddenly stopped.

There is even a case report of the first fatality involving hoverboard.

A man was riding his hoverboard when it hit a lamppost causing him to lose his balance and fall.

Most of the accidents occur when the hoverboard’s battery runs out, and the riders then end up falling over.

Some people may find the new Eastern policy unfair, but when you look at the pro and the cons of hoverboards, not having a hoverboard doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.

The daily editorial is the majority opinion of the editorial board of The Daily Eastern News.