CUPB to vote on Student Senate changes

Lauren McQueen, Staff Reporter

The Council on University Planning and Budget will vote on a change in Student Senate representation at 2:30 p.m. Friday in the Arcola/Tuscola room of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union.

Student Senate currently has a bylaw requiring its representatives to be undergraduate students.

Student Senate is requesting to allow graduate students to also be able to have that position.

Dave Emmerich, chair of CUBP, said Student Senate is supposed to be looking for a graduate student to fill the position.

If the vote passes, the new bylaw will state, “One student, undergraduate or graduate, with at least 2 years of undergraduate study at EIU, to be appointed by the Student Senate.”

Emmerich said several of the administrators will not be at the meeting including President Bill Perry and Vice President for Student Affairs Dan Nadler.

At the last meeting, Faculty Senate requested university budget updates from CUPB.

CUPB members were going to address the budget, but since Perry is not going to be there, the detailed discussion will wait until the next meeting in December.

Paul McCann, the university treasurer, will present the budget for Perry.

McCann will present a report on funding for the tuition recovery model. He will present the budget spreadsheet and show where the budget is, but Perry will go into more detail at the next CUPB meeting.

Since administrators will be missing, CUPB will focus more on internal issues including a discussion about the welcome packets for new members.

“Right now you get a copy of the bylaws from a previous member and kind of a ‘go, have fun,’” Emmerich said. “We’re trying to get more information to the new members about what’s expected to help them become more effective.”


Lauren McQueen can be reached at 582-2812 or [email protected].