Cartoon: Indoor Living
Seth Jarvis does not normally set a New Year’s resolution, but this year the time felt right.
“I drink way too much pop,” said Jarvis, a sophomore elementary education major.
Drinking less pop is a part of Jarvis’ resolution to eat better. “That’s pretty much all I drink,” he said.
Jarvis said now that he is back at Eastern, he will have a better time keeping his resolution. He said when he was at home it was harder because the selection was not as good, but with the dining halls on campus, he now has juice on demand.
Brooke Davis also set a resolution to eat better, and she hopes to cut out the candy. Davis, a freshman biological science major, said candy is her favorite food.
She said keeping her resolution is going well as opposed to past resolutions she has made. “I’m horrible at keeping them,” Davis said.
To fight a craving to consume junk food or candy, Davis said she resorts to chewing gum. “I will keep this (resolution),” she said.
Brian Walsh exhibits the same confidence as Davis in keeping his New Year’s resolution.
Walsh, a senior business management major, set a resolution to work out more at the Student Recreation Center to get back in shape. He said he thinks he can keep this resolution.
“This semester my workload is easier,” he said, adding that it allows him to set more time aside for the gym.
Walsh said in the past he was able to keep his resolutions most of the time. “I try to pick something not too major,” he said. “Something I can accomplish.”
Not all resolutions are health related. Annie Brown, a junior biological science major, set a resolution to get better grades and raise her GPA.
“Last semester, I didn’t do as well as I thought in organic chemistry,” Brown said. She said she hopes to keep her GPA above a 3.0.
Brown said she sets a New Year’s resolution most of the time and thinks she does OK at keeping them.
“Towards the end of the year I forget them,” she said.
Darryl Moffett, on the other hand, sets a resolution every year and makes sure he sticks to them. Moffett, a junior physical education major, set several New Year’s resolutions for 2009 and all of them connect to his main goal of focusing on being his best.
He hopes to do this by studying more, making sure he graduates from Eastern on time and having a closer relationship with God. To obtain a closer relationship, Moffett said he is working on praying every day.
“That’s a big resolution I need to do,” he said. “I set these (resolutions) because it can make be a better person now and in the future.”
Kristina Peters can be reached at 581-7936 or at
Cartoon: Indoor Living

A Health Services Pharmacy employee displays some of the more common antibiotics prescribed to Eastern’s students. (Katelyn DeAlmeida/The Daily Eastern News)
Cartoon: Indoor Living

Mayor John Inyart speaks at the Charleston Area Chamber of Commerce Dinner in the Grand Ballroom of the Martin Luther King Jr. University Union on Saturday night. (Alycia Rockey / The Daily Eastern News)
Cartoon: Indoor Living

Student Senate will vote on an emergency proposal today to correct a misunderstanding.