A few sites to peruse when you’re not busy with this drivel:

The internet, far more than simply providing you with something to spank to, has long been a source for knowledge. Sadly, you won’t find cause for either of those here, but you just may be a little entertained.

As if organized athletics weren’t stressfull enough, now you’ve got to an inside curve past Jesus:

And some say the mullet and molestor mustache are dead fashion statements…

Even more proof that NINJAS kick ass:

For the prospective James Bond villain in us all:

Who would -WANT- to take on B.A. Baraccus? I pity the fool….

The biggest oxymoron since military intelligence and girls’ sports:

Movies Galore:

A little history on the REAL students of Eastern Illinois University

Natural Selection in fast forward:

Scaring the bejesus out of religious zeleots since God started raining fire and brimstone and giving Christains something to pray about: