Pace yourself while studying, keep the end in mind

Staff Editorial

Finals week is upon us and despite the gloomy and depressing weather, the world is not coming to an end.

Granted there are several reasons to stress over finals and pull out your already gray hair like struggling with a class all semester and teetering between an B and an A or just goofing off all semester and hoping to pass the class with a D.

It seems as tough finals has evolved into the boogie man that hides beneath our beds, lurking in the shadows and waiting to devour our happy demeanor and replace it with a melancholy, worried vibe.

It is that same vibe that threatens how we study, how we sleep and how we perform on our finals.

Even the sound of “are you ready for finals” sends chills down our spines and sends our minds into a panicked frenzy, thoughts and self doubt overcoming our bodies.

Finals are an infamous stressor; they are hard to overcome, and we, the staff, understand that.

However, we feel that stressing over finals will only hinder your overall performance in the end and put a terrible burden on your shoulders.

We just have one message to our fellow students: Everything is going to be alright.

We realize that it is hard to fight the negative connotation that comes along with finals, especially if your final is your only means of salvation in a given class.

Yet, regardless of what the final will do to your grade, it is not worth your physical and mental health.

It is OK to study hard, but take breaks in between instead of forcing yourself to sit through a marathon of notes and reading.

Also, take it easy on the energy drinks and coffee with the four shots of espresso.

The last thing anyone wants before break is to go into cardiac arrest over a measly algebra final.

Finals are just another series of tests that should not cripple our abilities as students and human beings to smile.

Take a deep breath and relax because there is a light at the end of the tunnel: three full weeks of sleep.